Sew Sisters Blog

Blogathon Canada, put on by one of my FAVOURITE online fabric sources, Sew Sisters, is happening this week, and today is hosted by two wonderful bloggers from my neck of the woods! Heather of Peace.Love.Quilt. from Saskatoon SK, and Lori of Night Owl Quilting & Dye Works from Dauphin MB. If you have stopped by to have a look, welcome!!! I’m so pleased to have you here!

I have been sewing forever! I started when i was 10 (with my mommy’s help) and did garment sewing for years. I had always wanted to quilt, but had no idea where to start. When i was in my early 20’s, i received a mail order card for a quilting book with a bonus of a rotary cutter (hilariously small) and a crappy cutting mat (tiny and definitely NOT self healing). Thus began my journey. I was a woman possessed. I bought quilting magazines and fabric every chance i got. Not knowing any better, the very first project i tackled was a miniature shoofly quilt. It was horrible, but i was hooked! I have dabbled in many other crafts over the years (crochet, knitting, cross stitch, needlepoint, painting) but quilting is the one that feeds my soul. I am fortunate to have a wonderfully supportive partner, who goes out of his way to encourage my creativity. He has always gone above and beyond for me, even insisting that I have a longarm machine. I know, right? He’s a keeper!

I started my blog a couple of years ago, but sadly, i let it fall my the wayside for many months. I have been trying to post regularly, but life keeps getting in the way. Some days i find it a struggle to come up with anything to post. I need to remind myself that I blog for me and I need to enjoy the process.

Please have a look around and say hi! I’m tickled that you stopped by!

Published by Prairie Charm Quilts

i live on the beautiful Saskatchewan prairie with my sweet man, my two darling boys, a dog, 5 cats, three horses, and a zillion frogs. i started sewing when i was 10 and did garment sewing for many years before i discovered quilting. i have been obsessed with quilting since 1994. i am self taught, so i may not do things 'by the book', but i don't think the quilt police are too concerned about l'il ol' me. my quilts are made to be loved and i hope i outlive them all!

10 thoughts on “BLOGATHON!!!!

  1. Hi from Calgary. I had to chuckle at the name of your WIP page. At least there aren’t too many Tsks!


  2. Hi Chrissie,
    I am amazed at you accomplish while you are raising your two young boys. You do lovely work – the pajama quilts will be definitely treasured by that family.
    Your profile quilt is a favorite of mine.
    Happy creating dear friend,


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